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Pink Walk And Button Run - Virtual Event

Run, Walk, Fun Run, Virtual Run Event, Kids & Family Walk, Kids & Family Run
Hamilton Lake, Hamilton Waikato
3km or 6km

The Pink Walk And Button Run has gone virtual this year! Run or Walk anywhere between the 28th and 31st of October 2021. Record and submit your time for the chance to win first, second or third medals and to receive a participation certificate.

The Pink Walk And Button Run is an annual fundraising event around Hamilton Lake to support breast cancer research. Take part in the 3.8km pink walk which is 1 lap around the lake or the 5km button run which is 1 and a half laps around the lake. Wear your best pink finery to support those who have had breast cancer and/or yellow finery to support local research. There are prizes for the best dressed. 



The Pink Walk And Button Run has gone virtual this year! Run or Walk anywhere between the 28th and 31st of October 2021. Record and submit your time for the chance to win first, second or third medals and to receive a participation certificate.

The Pink Walk And Button Run is an annual fundraising event around Hamilton Lake to support breast cancer research. Take part in the 3.8km pink walk which is 1 lap around the lake or the 5km button run which is 1 and a half laps around the lake. Wear your best pink finery to support those who have had breast cancer and/or yellow finery to support local research. There are prizes for the best dressed.