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Barfoot & Thompson Peoples Tri Race 4 - Maraetai Beach

Tri, Duathlon, AquaBike
Maraetai Beach Auckland
Olympic, Sprint & Try-A-Tri Distances + Aqua-Bike & Duathlon

Race 4 of the Barfoot & Thompson Peoples Tri Series will take place at beautiful Maraetai Beach on the 24th of March 2024. Choose from Olympic, Sprint & Try-A-Tri Distances as well as Aqua-Bike and Duathlon courses available. 



Race 4 of the Barfoot & Thompson Peoples Tri Series will take place at beautiful Maraetai Beach on the 24th of March 2024. Choose from Olympic, Sprint & Try-A-Tri Distances as well as Aqua-Bike and Duathlon courses available.