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Lake Kaniere Scenic Triathlon

Run, Walk, Multisport, Tri, Duathlon
Lake Kaniere West Coast
$65 Kayak triathlon, swim triathlon, walk, and duathlon events

Lake Kaniere Scenic Triathlon is a multi-event held on the 4th of March, 2023. The event includes a 2km lake long distance swim, as well as other multi-sport events including kayak triathlon, swim triathlon, walk, and duathlon. The event incorporates some beautiful West Coast scenery, with a vibrant atmosphere.


Lake Kaniere Scenic Triathlon is a multi-event held on the 4th of March, 2023. The event includes a 2km lake long distance swim, as well as other multi-sport events including kayak triathlon, swim triathlon, walk, and duathlon. The event incorporates some beautiful West Coast scenery, with a vibrant atmosphere.